Excessive internet use Scenarios

Scenarios Excessive internet use

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Your friends arrange to go out around 8pm. They ask you to go with them and you agree. You arrive home and start playing your favorite online game. As time goes by fast, you realise you are going to be late for your meeting with your friends, but you do not think they will mind. After all, you are having a lot of fun playing your game and you have reached a good point in it. Your friends call you on your cell phone, but you do not answer. Soon you will be getting ready to go find them. Next time you look at the clock, it has already gone 23:30 and you know that they will be home by now. The next day they ask you what happened to you. What do you tell them?

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You are surfing online and your mother invites you for lunch. After 5 minutes, you still have not shown up in the kitchen and she calls you again. For half an hour the same thing happens repeatedly, until your mother decides to come to your room, as she is getting worried. In a very calm manner, she asks you to put the phone down and to go eat my lunch. She also asks you to think about the hours you spend on the internet and to set limits for yourself. How do you react?

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You are back from school and you have an assignment due by the end of the week. You plan on talking to Bahar for a while in the chat and deal with the assignment later. The conversation is interesting, and you focus there. By now it is late, and you do not have a cleamind, so you decide to deal with the homework the next day. After all, you have time. The same pattern repeats daily, until Friday arrives, and you have not even started on the homework. What do you think will happen?

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You are 16 years old, you live alone in Greece and your expenses this month have been particularly high. You do not want to ask your relatives for money because you know it is not easy for them either. A friend suggests you play a lottery game that helped him make money. It seems like a good idea and you decide to give it a try.  You start playing and sometimes you win money while other times you lose some. You find it interesting and you end up spending the whole evening playing, earning some money. t What do you do in the next few days?

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The first thing Fatima does every morning when she wakes up is to see if her family has sent her a message or video. Then she checks her emails to see if she has received a message from any services. Then she goes on search engines and starts looking for ideas for her food, and then she goes on YouTube to see the step-by-step process of the food she decided to cook. Before and after her meals, she plays her favorite online game. Sometimes she meets other friends and they all play together online, each from their own device. She does not spend a lot of time playing as she does not want to run out of battery because at 5 in the afternoon every day she talks to her sister and nephews via video calls. She does not forget to check her emails often for any important news. In the afternoon she watches series on her mobile phone or listens to music. Quite often she chats on social networks with her friends until late at night as she wants to know their news and it is the only time of the day when everyone is available. What do you think of Fatima’s daily life?

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